
Published on Monday, November 22, 2010 in , , , ,

Object: Repeat the same sequence of 5, 10, or 15 colors randomly generated by the computer.

When you click the Start Game button, the computer will light up a single colored section of the board. Touch or click on the same color, and then the computer will give you a sequence of two colors, starting with the same color.

Each time you are able to repeat the sequence given by the computer, it will repeat the previous sequence and add another color to it. You must then touch or click on that new sequence, as well.

The game ends either when you win by repeating a full sequence of 5, 10, or 15 colors (depending on the chosen level), or lose by not entering the sequence correctly.

Further Controls:

Start Game: This button begins a new game at the chosen level. The first color will flash as soon as you press this button, so make sure you're looking at the board when you click it!

Easy/Medium/Hard Selector: This selector lets you choose the difficulty. In the Easy level, you work up to a sequence of up to 5 colors. In the Medium level, you work up to a 10-color sequence, and in the Hard level, you're challenged to complete up to a 15-color sequence.



How To Solve Simon

More Information:

Keith Drakard's “Simple Simon” page
Wikipedia: Simon (game)



Published on Monday, November 22, 2010 in , , , ,

Object: Arrange the dots so that no lines cross.

Simply click and hold a dot with your mouse, or touch and hold a dot with your finger, in order to move it.

If you're using a touch device and find you're having trouble moving a particular dot, zoom in and try moving it again.

Also, try and avoid placing the dots too close to the edge, as this may make them hard to move later.

Further Controls:

Check Now!: If 1 or more lines are crossed, clicking this button will tell you how many intersections remain. If no lines are crossed, this button will verify this and advance you to the next level.


Planarity strategy 1
Planarity strategy 2

More Information:

Planarity home page
JSPlanarity home page
Planar graph definition


Triangular Peg Solitaire

Published on Saturday, November 20, 2010 in , ,

To begin, click the Play Triangular Peg Solitaire button below.

Object: The goal is to finish with one peg.

Jump one peg over another into an empty spot, removing the jumped peg from the board. You can jump along any of the three directions parallel to the outside edges of the board. Just click on a peg and if there's a jump available, the peg will jump. If there's more than one jump available, you'll need to click on a destination.

When the same peg jumps over one or more pegs, it is counted as one move. A move that captures a lot of pegs is called a sweep. After you have solved a puzzle down to one peg, you can try to find a solution with the smallest number of moves, or view the computer's solution to the problem.

Further Controls:

Restart: Resets the game to the starting position with one peg missing.

Set Start: Fills the entire board with pegs. Click on one of them to set the starting vacancy (peg missing at the start). Then begin play as usual, or hit Solve.

Back: Take back the last jump (all the way back the start if you like). Very useful if you reach a dead end. You can also back up after pausing a demo or after the demo is finished.

Solve: Solve the puzzle down to one peg (play a demo). You do not have to Restart the game before hitting Solve, it will reset automatically.. When you play a demo, this button changes to Pause, and if you click it the demo will pause, and the button changes to Continue. You can use these controls to halt the solution at any intermediate point. You can even start playing from an intermediate point — however if you play a move manually you cannot continue the demo.

Current Board Menu: Use this to change the size of the board to a triangle with 4 to 24 pegs on a side (10 to 300 holes). If the larger boards do not fit on your screen, set the Board Scale to Small.

Board Scale Menu: For playing the game yourself this is best set to Normal. However to display the larger demos you may want to set it to Small, which shrinks the board by 50% in both directions.

Demo Speed Menu: This sets the time delay between jumps when playing a demo. You can even change this control while a demo is playing, to speed it up or slow it down. Slow, Normal, Fast, Faster and Fastest correspond to delays of 2, 1, 1/2, 1/10 and 0 seconds between jumps. Note that the Fastest delay of zero may not update correctly in all browsers.

Play Triangular Peg Solitaire


How To Solve Triangular Peg Solitaire (PDF, opens in new window)
Theory of Triangular Peg Solitaire



Published on Friday, November 19, 2010 in , , , ,

To begin, click the Play Mastermind button below.

Object: The object of Mastermind is to try and discover the computer's secret arrangement of 4 colors. On each turn, you guess the color code, and the computer will tell you, via a response in black and white pegs, how close you are the secret arrangement.

You win if you correctly guess the code in 9 tries or less.

You enter your guess from left to right by clicking on one of the 6 colors next to the board.

The response is given in the form of black and white pegs. For every black peg, there is a correct color in the correct position. For every white peg, there is a correct color in an incorrect position. The response pegs do not, however, indicate to which colors and positions they refer.

Further Controls:

Restart: Begins a new game with a new secret 4-color arrangement.

Play Mastermind


Mastermind solution
Mastermind strategy table



Published on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 in , , , ,

To begin, click the Play Sudoku button below.

Object: The objective is to fill a 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids that compose the grid (also called "boxes", "blocks", "regions", or "sub-squares") contains all of the digits from 1 to 9.

To generate a new puzzle, use your browser to reload the page.

Further Controls:

Continue: Click this button to verify your solution and end play. Clicking this same button from the verification screen will take you to a completely new puzzle.

Play Sudoku


How To Solve Sudoku Puzzles
eBook Recommendation for Solving Sudoku Puzzles

More Information:

Wikipedia: Sudoku


Towers of Hanoi

Published on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 in , , ,

To begin, click the Play Towers of Hanoi button below.

Object: The aim is to pile the disks up on the third peg, with the disks arranged in order, the largest at the bottom.

You may only move one disk at a time, and only place it on an empty peg or on a larger disk.

To move a disk, just click on the peg it is on and then click on the peg you want to move it to.

Further controls:

Up/Down: These buttons change the size of the puzzle.

Mix: This button randomly mixes the puzzle up.

Reset: Resets the puzzle to the initial position.

Edit: Allows you to set up any position. The disks are cleared, and then you have to specify on which peg each of the pieces is, starting with the largest.

Play/Back: Solves the puzzle. Each time you click the play button, one move is performed until the puzzle is solved. The backwards play button does the same, but brings. the puzzle closer to the start position.

Forward/Rewind: This is like the play/back buttons, except that the moves will be continuously performed till the end or beginning. Clicking the button more than once speeds it up. To stop, press one of the other buttons.

Help: Shows a help screen with these same instructions.

Play Towers of Hanoi


Towers of Hanoi strategy

More Information:

Jaap's Puzzle Page: Tower of Hanoi


Lights Out

Published on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 in , , ,

To begin, click the Play Lights Out button below.

Object: Click any light to change the state of itself and its non-diagonally adjacent lights. Your goal is to turn all the lights off.

Further controls:

Mix: Randomly mix up the board.

Edit: Go to edit mode. Allows you to set up a position to solve. Press Edit again when finished.

Solve: Show shortest solution.

Reset: Clear the board.

Puzzle: Select one of the 50 built-in puzzles.

Help: Shows a help screen with these same instructions.

Play Lights Out


Lights Out strategy

More Information:

Jaap's Puzzle Page: Lights Out Page


Instant Insanity

Published on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 in , , , ,

To begin, click the Play Instant Insanity button below.

Object: The aim of this puzzle is to arrange the cubes in a row so that each of the four sides show all four different colours.

Click on a face of a cube to turn it in that direction.

Further controls:

Mix: This button sets the cubes in a random position.

Edit:Allows you to edit the cubes. Clicking any face of a cube will change its colour. Keep clicking each face until it is the colour you want. Click the edit button again when you are finished.

Solve: Solves the puzzle. It tries all combinations to find a solution. Clicking it again will try find a different solution if there is one, so by repeatedly clicking the button all solutions will be shown.

Reset: Resets to the original puzzle in the solved position.

Help: Shows a help screen with these same instructions.

Play Instant Insanity


Instant Insanity solution 1
Instant Insanity solution 2

More Information:

Frank Armbruster's Instant Insanity
Jaap's Puzzle Page: Instant Insanity / Buvos Golyok / Drive Ya Crazy


Timed Quiz Generator

Published on Sunday, November 07, 2010 in ,

Make Your Own Timed Quiz

Have you ever wanted to make your own custom How Many Xs Can You Name In Y Minutes?-style quiz for your website, but didn't know how? Using this timed quiz creator it's easy!

To learn how to use this timed quiz generator, there are three tutorials available:

TEXT: Timed Quiz Generator Tutorial (excluding Final Message Options)

TEXT: Final Message Options Tutorial

VIDEO: Full Tutorial (Also accessible via the video tutorial button below)

Simply enter the topic of the quiz, in both plural and singular form (e.g., Simpsons and Simpson), and select a time in minutes and seconds. Enter a main answer (e.g., Grandpa Simpson), and, optionally, up to 6 acceptable alternatives (e.g., Abe, Abraham Simpson), then click the Add answer/alternatives to list button. You may add as many answers and alternatives as needed this way, but you must have at least two main answers, and all your answers and alternatives must be at least two letters long (otherwise your quiz won't function correctly). When you're finished adding answers and alternatives, click the Generate quiz code button to get the HTML/CSS/Javascript code (all in one file!) for your quiz. Copy and paste this into your favorite code or text editor, save it with the extension .html, upload it to your site, and you have your own custom timed quiz!

Make a mistake? Thought of a new alternative? Click on the Edit Mode checkbox, move the arrow up and down to select the answer you wish to edit, click Edit answer next to arrow button, and that answer will be brought back into the Main Answer and alternative boxes so you can edit them. When done, click Return edited answer/alternatives to list, and your edited answers will now appear. Uncheck Edit Mode to keep adding new answers, or generate the code with the new answers. You can also delete the selected answer, or even clear the entire list while in edit mode.

This is a great way to attract and entertain visitors to your site, and the more you know about CSS, HTML, and Javascript, the better able you'll be to edit and customize your quiz to better fit in with your site. Worried about people using their browser's View Source feature to see the answers? Don't be, as the answers and their respective alternatives are obfuscated in the generated code. If you need inspiration for quiz topics, look here and here.

Note: I take no responsibility for the consequences of using any quiz or quizzes you create with this tool in any manner, nor do I make any guarantees concerning any such quiz or quizzes.

Basic Information
Quiz Topic (plural):

Quiz Topic (singular):

Time Limit: :

Answer and acceptable alternatives
Main Answer:

Answers/Alternatives List:

Edit Mode                                        


Final Message Options:

Show primary message if or more correct answers are given

Primary Message:

Primary Link (optional):

Show secondary message if fewer correct answers are given

Secondary Message:

Secondary Link (optional):

Links open in new window

Quiz Code: