Timed Quiz Generator

Published on Sunday, November 07, 2010 in ,

Make Your Own Timed Quiz

Have you ever wanted to make your own custom How Many Xs Can You Name In Y Minutes?-style quiz for your website, but didn't know how? Using this timed quiz creator it's easy!

To learn how to use this timed quiz generator, there are three tutorials available:

TEXT: Timed Quiz Generator Tutorial (excluding Final Message Options)

TEXT: Final Message Options Tutorial

VIDEO: Full Tutorial (Also accessible via the video tutorial button below)

Simply enter the topic of the quiz, in both plural and singular form (e.g., Simpsons and Simpson), and select a time in minutes and seconds. Enter a main answer (e.g., Grandpa Simpson), and, optionally, up to 6 acceptable alternatives (e.g., Abe, Abraham Simpson), then click the Add answer/alternatives to list button. You may add as many answers and alternatives as needed this way, but you must have at least two main answers, and all your answers and alternatives must be at least two letters long (otherwise your quiz won't function correctly). When you're finished adding answers and alternatives, click the Generate quiz code button to get the HTML/CSS/Javascript code (all in one file!) for your quiz. Copy and paste this into your favorite code or text editor, save it with the extension .html, upload it to your site, and you have your own custom timed quiz!

Make a mistake? Thought of a new alternative? Click on the Edit Mode checkbox, move the arrow up and down to select the answer you wish to edit, click Edit answer next to arrow button, and that answer will be brought back into the Main Answer and alternative boxes so you can edit them. When done, click Return edited answer/alternatives to list, and your edited answers will now appear. Uncheck Edit Mode to keep adding new answers, or generate the code with the new answers. You can also delete the selected answer, or even clear the entire list while in edit mode.

This is a great way to attract and entertain visitors to your site, and the more you know about CSS, HTML, and Javascript, the better able you'll be to edit and customize your quiz to better fit in with your site. Worried about people using their browser's View Source feature to see the answers? Don't be, as the answers and their respective alternatives are obfuscated in the generated code. If you need inspiration for quiz topics, look here and here.

Note: I take no responsibility for the consequences of using any quiz or quizzes you create with this tool in any manner, nor do I make any guarantees concerning any such quiz or quizzes.

Basic Information
Quiz Topic (plural):

Quiz Topic (singular):

Time Limit: :

Answer and acceptable alternatives
Main Answer:

Answers/Alternatives List:

Edit Mode                                        


Final Message Options:

Show primary message if or more correct answers are given

Primary Message:

Primary Link (optional):

Show secondary message if fewer correct answers are given

Secondary Message:

Secondary Link (optional):

Links open in new window

Quiz Code:

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3 Response to Timed Quiz Generator

May 4, 2012 at 3:40 AM

Really interesting, this is best way to become expert, with the help of such kind of quiz you increase your knowledge so thanks a lot Make your own quiz.

February 21, 2013 at 9:24 PM

Thanks. I added a quiz to my site using Site Builder from Homestead. However, my timer didn't work It shows as (undefined:NaN) Not sure what to do here.

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